Racstory is all about leading a fruitful and meaningful life and finding the motivation and inspiration to achieve your goals. Racstory provides the tools that you will need to ensure that your life is always filled with new ideas and thoughts. It will help you to build your personality and learn new facets that can enrich your life.
Inspiration and motivation: These two powerful words are what drives us to take action. Therefore, we bring you stories that will inspire you both mentally and emotionally and also motivate you to achieve goals.
Celebrities: The lives of celebrities are always interesting to read. We will showcase inspiring stories of celebrities that will focus on traits in their characters that have set them apart and allowed them to achieve their goals.
Kids stories: No doubt kids love stories and the stories we share will enable them to ignite their curiosity and build their imagination. The sleep stories will provide some good thoughts to sleep on.
Poetry: Poetry is liked by most people because it has emotional appeal. The words are used in such a way that they create a lasting impact on the reader.
Festivals and culture: Festivals and culture are an integral part of any country or society. Festival celebrations usually generate happiness and culture informs society about traditions We share stories of culture or festivals that informs and builds unity among people.
Interiors: Beautiful interiors create a pleasing and cheerful atmosphere and give the impression of well organised spaces. We will take you through stories that will show you how to make the interiors pleasing so you feel relaxed and at peace.
Technology: Technology has become an important part of our lives as it helps us to run our lives in a smooth and efficient manner. We will bring you the latest technological news and information so you can remain updated about useful gadgets that can make your life easy.
New business ideas that inspire: The world is always looking for something new and different. Here we will focus on providing you with new business ideas you can try and find the success you are looking for.
Personality: Everyone aspires to be liked and to have an attractive personality.
Our stories will help you develop your social and communication skills, your dressing sense and build your confidence. You can learn to be gracious and calm and acquire like able personality traits.
Quotes: Our selection of meaningful quotes that will not only appeal to you but will inspire and motivate you. Use these messages as your mentor and guide to achieve what you want to achieve.
Habits and hobbies: Developing your physical and mental health are important for living a good life. Our stories on how having healthy habits and adopting different hobbies can help you to improve your lifestyle and be stress-free. Since hobbies are creative, they keep your brain active and healthy habits improve your health.
Plants: Everyone understands the importance of plants in our lives. We will help you to understand the importance of various plants, how to grow them and why you need to have certain plants in your homes.
Crafts: Traditional crafts are unique and authentic. We will talk to you about craftmanship and bring to you crafts from various places which are beautiful and which will enhance your home.
Racstory is a resource that is open to all. We believe in helping you to empower yourselves and to shape your lives for modern day living. We hope to help you to make progress, to be successful and improve your lives for the better.